In 2015, leaders from nearly 200 countries sat around a table and signed the Paris Climate Agreement, agreeing to drastically reduce emissions and limit global warming to 1.5 C above pre-industrial levels. Seven years later, only one thing is certain – we are nowhere near this goal. If we have any hope of correcting course, […]
Thought Leaders
Our Thought Leadership series highlights the province's notable domain experts and is meant to offer guidance and insight to our readers. Interested in sharing your knowledge? Reach out to with your pitch.
Apps with Age Gates Ensure Advertising is Kid-Safe
As kids spend more and more time on apps, the need for age gates has become more prevalent than ever before. Age gates are standard on the Internet to prevent minors from viewing inappropriate content. However, in mobile apps, the requirement for content screening by age is less of a requirement as Apple and Google […]
The Tech Sector is in a Downturn – What Should Tech Entrepreneurs Do?
After the longest bull market on record – almost 14 years – the NASDAQ reversed course at the beginning of 2022 and continued to slide for months, losing about 33% of its peak value. The M&A market fared somewhat better: Global M&A was down 27% in the first half of 2022 compared to 2021 but […]
Connecting The Dots: November 2022
Each month, the team at Switchboard Public Relations connects the dots between the trends, headlines and narratives informing the B.C. tech sector. For November’s Connecting The Dots, the team breaks down recent funding announcements and multimillion-dollar M&A action, highlights awards wins across the B.C. tech ecosystem, and provides resources for those impacted by layoffs. Cleantech […]
Connecting the Dots: October 2022
Each month, the team at Switchboard Public Relations connects the dots between the trends, headlines and narratives informing the B.C. tech sector. For October’s Connecting The Dots, the team examines the results of the municipal elections and what it means for the B.C. tech industry, shines a spotlight on BC Tech’s 2022 Technology Impact Awards […]
What Role Does Tech Have To Play In HR?
HR is not an area that has traditionally lent itself to tech. HR has normally been people-centric, the emphasis always being on soft skills and emotional intelligence, communication and problem-solving. But as we move into an era where compliance and accountability are gaining greater traction, could there be a place for technology within the sphere […]
Innovation Is A Mindset – Do You Have It?
Innovation brings with it a world of possibility. Through innovation we can build smarter cities that work for everyone. We can create profitable industries that help, not hinder, a sustainable future. And we can solve our problems, turning challenges into opportunities for individuals, businesses and society. Simply put, investment in innovation is an investment in […]
How did Tech Businesses in Vancouver Fuel Recovery Post-Pandemic?
The tech industry in Vancouver demonstrated high resilience by adding around 12,900 jobs between 2019 and 2020. This represents a 21% growth during the pandemic. Such numbers place Vancouver as the third strongest city in North America regarding job growth. Thus, the city has stood out as one of the most resilient tech hubs, and […]
Why 2023 Is The Year To Launch Your Branded Podcast
This year saw a significant increase in the number of podcasts being published, with an estimated 2.4 million podcasts and over 66 million unique episodes as of Q2 of 2022. Podcasting has well and truly become an integral part of our cultural zeitgeist, particularly during the last several years of “pandemic life” as we desperately […]
Connecting The Dots: September 2022
Each month, the team at Switchboard Public Relations connects the dots between the trends, headlines and narratives informing the B.C. tech sector. For September’s Connecting The Dots, the team breaks down recent funding announcements and multimillion-dollar M&A action, shines a spotlight on BC Tech’s first-ever Dragon’s Den Pitch Night, and explores new partnerships. Funding flows […]