Throughout my career in B.C.’s tech sector, one thing has always been apparent and frequently reaffirmed: our community knows how to find solutions beyond what others consider possible. Now we have the chance to bring that same drive and spirit of innovation to advancing the future of cancer care and research in B.C. I first […]
Thought Leaders
Our Thought Leadership series highlights the province's notable domain experts and is meant to offer guidance and insight to our readers. Interested in sharing your knowledge? Reach out to with your pitch.
B.C. Tech Companies Are Suffering – Here’s Why
B.C. tech companies are suffering. And I bet you won’t guess why. I’m not talking about recessions, lack of capital, limited supply or demand, or any of the other expected challenges you learned about in your university Intro to Business class. It’s the companies that haven’t invested in growing or diversifying their team that are […]
Connecting the Dots: January 2023
Each month, the team at Switchboard connects the dots between the trends, headlines and narratives informing the B.C. tech sector. Before we get started, some VERY exciting news: Switchboard has officially joined forces with Earnscliffe Strategies! The acquisition will combine the world-class experience, expertise and resources of Earnscliffe, a national leader in strategic communications, government […]
Why Now More Than Ever: Canadian Entrepreneurs Need To Know How To ask For – and Secure Investment
Canada is home to many history-shaping innovations, and as a country, we are known for exceptionally ingenious ideas. From ARCHIE, the world’s first search engine, to the pager, to IMAX, to more recently, tech giants like Shopify, Slack, Hootsuite, Abcellera, – the list goes on. But these are big names for more reasons than great […]
Uncovering the Best of Vancouver Technology: The Top Evaluated Solutions for 2023
Vancouver is a hub for innovative technology solutions and a hotbed for emerging digital trends. Enterprise companies across the world trust Vancouver based vendors with vital business operations. Pulling data from Olive’s database, below we will cover some trends for 2023 and which Vancouver vendors are being considered most often in enterprise purchasing cycles. The […]
Five Things Affecting the Tech Sector in 2023: What You Need to Know
With the start of the New Year, we are all hoping that the downturn will end, and business will improve. However, at Strategic Exits Partners, we predict that 2023 will be much the same as 2022. Here are five things that we are predicting will get in the way of a turnaround in 2023: Finance […]
The 5 Most In-demand Tech Jobs in Vancouver
Despite the fact that the unemployment rate is going down, the job market is still short of millions of workers compared to the pre-pandemic levels. Acute labor shortages increase living costs and inflation rates. It has become harder for companies to find potential employees that are a right fit. The demand for labor is quite […]
Connecting the Dots: December 2022
Each month, the team at Switchboard Public Relations connects the dots between the trends, headlines and narratives informing the B.C. tech sector. For December’s Connecting The Dots, the team examines B.C.’s latest cabinet shuffle, breaks down recent funding announcements, highlights the latest partnerships across the B.C. tech ecosystem, and shines a spotlight on recipients of […]
Next-gen Tech Tools Will Help All Canadians Engage With Their Charitable Influencers Of Choice
From spending and saving to borrowing and investing, we are constantly urged to “take control” of our money. But what about our giving? “Take control of your generosity” isn’t a well-known tagline, but it could be with a little time and consideration. Taking control of our generosity is something people should be thinking about because […]
Stopping Cyber Grinches in Their Tracks: Holiday Scams to Watch Out For
It is that time of the year and it has many of us in a hurry. We rush to get our businesses buttoned up, our shopping done, and our tasks completed so that we can enjoy the time off. Along with our tendency to rush, is the feeling of cheer and goodwill, and we may […]